JCARA, Inc. Club Minutes - August, 2015


Meeting Called to Order by President Charlie, N2PKW

Prayer led by Chaplain Chuck, N9RRI

Pledge of Allegiance by Charlie, N2PKW




With visual aids and with actual equipment, Charlie, N2PKW gave us his Volume 2 of “Radio Architecture Lecture.”  The focus was on receivers and the different types of noise reduction techniques that are available. He showed how the bandpass and roofing filters work.


Officers Absent:  Past President Kurt, K5KDO


Quorum Declared


Visitors:  Robin Peoples;  Bob Vigne, KB8VND


Sick Call:  Charlie, N2PKW 's wife, Barb, has two family members with strokes


Secretarial Report by Valerie, N9RQX: 


Minutes Accepted by Chuck, N9RRI;  Seconded by Amy, KF5YRP;  Motion Carried.  (Since last Meeting, dates for Hamfest were changed to November 13th and 14th.)


Treasury Report by Charlie, AG5CC: 

Motion to Accept by Chris, K5MOZ;  Seconded by Don, KA5DON;  Motion Carried.


Old Business:


1  Repeater Committee:  Nick, K5BQJ said the 440 Repeater is in need of repairs

2.  Trailer Committee:  Larry, K5LGP said Trailer #1 is getting it's decals put on and it's ready to go

3.  SET:  Chris, K5MOZ  said we did good during the test and he sent out a message of commendation. Don, KA5DON added that last year, there were 13 counties that participated and this year there were 23.  He reminded them there are 82 Counties in Mississippi; room for growth.

4.  Katrina 10th Anniversary Event:  Don, KA5DON informed us that the Event is now on, running until September 2nd.   Operators are needed to fill in the many hours available.  Special certificates will be awarded for the number of stations contacted, both before and after August 29th (landfall).

5.  Don, KA5DON has announced that the Gautier American Legion, Post 1992 will have it's own Amateur Radio Club.  Don has sent off for the license and when he has it, he will ask for a vanity call sign, K5TAL.  The goal is to set up a station at the Legion.

6.  Richard, AF5AQ informed us that Doug, KM5DP, who has been a long time check–in on our nightly Nets, had a complete shoulder joint replacement, after suffering a fall earlier this year. He expects to be back on the air and he thanked everyone who sent him cards.

7.  VE Activity:  Testing September 8th

8.  Hamfest:  Chris, K5MOZ  says we're on track and running smooth.


Next Meeting: 


September 29, 2015 at St. Martin Community Center.

New Business:


1.  Hamfest and Christmas prizes are already in,  as reported by Chris, K5MOZ.


President Charlie, N2PKW called for a Motion to Adjourn Meeting;  Motion Accepted by Larry, K5LGP;  Seconded by Don, KA5DON;  Motion carried, meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted by
Valeries, N9RQX
JCARA, Inc. Club Secretary